Forum of Modern Painting Technologies organized by Ecoline company will be held on October 16-18 in Arlamow.
The NTM Forum is all about: A large dose of knowledge – over two days there are lectures given by experts from Poland and abroad. Among the speakers are representatives of renowned scientific and research institutions, practitioners from paint shops and companies operating in Poland and global manufacturers of materials and equipment for powder coating. […]
The XXIII Kontra 2024 Scientific and Technical Conference on Durability of Structures and Corrosion Protection will be held on October 9-11, 2024.
The conference is addressed to designers, manufacturers, contractors and scientific and technical personnel specializing in the problems of environmental resistance of building materials and structures and issues of protection of structures against corrosion. The aim of the conference is to present the latest material and technological solutions, as well as the results of theoretical and […]
For the foreseeable future, conventional power plants will be an important part of the Polish and European electricity system. At least until large-scale energy storage facilities are built, they will be needed to stabilize generation from weather-dependent sources. Among conventional units, coal-fired units will also have an important role to play in stabilizing the power […]
Scientific Conference “Science for Sustainable Development”
The conference will be held on October 24-25, 2024 in Wroclaw in the NOT building, 74 Pilsudski Street. The aim of the conference will be to share experiences on innovative technologies that contribute to sustainable development in selected areas of life. The conference will allow the presentation of the scientific achievements of both young and […]
XVIII Conference of the Polish Committee for Electrochemical Corrosion Protection SEP “CORROSION MEASUREMENTS IN ELECTRROCHEMICAL PROTECTION”.
The conference will be held on June 12-14, 2024, at the Magellan Hotel in Bronislawow. The purpose of the Conference is to present technical advances in the field of electrochemical corrosion protection, especially new methods and measurement techniques used in cathodic protection of metal structures. The Conference program will enable all participants to exchange views […]
The XXXI National Conference of the Polish Electroplating Society and Research Network Łukasiewicz – Warsaw Institute of Technology “Electroplating and the Environment” will be held on 17-18.06.2024, Topacz Castle, Kobierzyce, near Wroclaw
The program for this two-day conference includes 5 paper sessions, time for Exhibitors, the PTG General Assembly and also a gala dinner on the first day. During the Conference, it will be possible to visit Hitachi Astemo Poland Sp. z o. o., which conducts, among other things, zinc and zinc-nickel electroplating of brake system components. […]
April 24 – Corrosion Awareness Day
The original concept of Corrosion Awareness Day was to get local corrosion associations to work with universities and industry to develop and implement educational programs for the general public that would be easy for them to understand. More than a dozen years on from the announcement of the Day, the effects of these activities are […]
The 30th Anniversary Anti-Corrosion Conference will be held May 14-16, 2024.
Conference papers and posters (in the form of publications) are peer-reviewed and published in the journal Corrosion Protection. A contest with prizes for the best poster is being held during the conference. Past conferences have been attended in large numbers by both industry and research centers, providing a creative exchange of experience. Participants presented the […]
The journal “Protection against Corrosion” media patron of the conference PSK PRAKTIKOR’2024
The 17th Conference of the Polish Corrosion Association PRAKTIKOR’2024 will be devoted to corrosion problems with a special focus on the rail and oil industries. It will be held on April 17-19, 2024. In: hotel Mazurski Raj, Ruciane Nida. Enrollment:
Polish Corrosion Society competition for the best thesis in the field of corrosion
By February 23, 2024. We are waiting for submissions of theses [doctoral, master’s, engineering and bachelor’s] defended in 2023. and fitting into the theme of broadly understood corrosion protection of metal, concrete, polymer and wood surfaces. The works may concern m. in. corrosion-resistant materials, protective coatings, electrochemical and inhibitor protection, corrosion testing, design, legislative, organizational, […]